Friday, August 10, 2007


1. Which is correct about Preferred Stock?
a. It is reserved only for preferred customers or investors
b. It is always worth more than common stock
c. It always costs more than common stock
d. It has priority over common stock in the event of the dissolution of the company
e. It cannot be owned by full time employees of the company

2. Which bank offers a virtual temporary credit card for online purchases called NetSafe?
a. ICICI Bank
d. State Bank of India

3. Zero interest bonds are sold at:

a. discount
b. premium
c. fresh issue
d. accrual basis

4. Underwriting is guarantee for:

a. new issue market
b. marketability of shares
c. amount raised through equity
d. public issue

5. Name the term used for depreciating a Company’s intangible assets?

6. Name the person who introduced the ‘Double Entry’ book keeping concept?

7. What is an unusual service offered by Bank of Baroda at Tirupati?

8. Expand
ULIP …………………………………………………………………..
FICCI ………………………………………………………………....
GBS …………………………………………………………………...

Answers: 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-Amortisation, 6-Lucas Piacoli, 7-Only bank in india which sells prasada, 8- Unit linked insurance Plan, federation of indian chamber of commerce and industries, Gross Budgetary Support.

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